Criteria - Artist List
We have included a list of 280+ Cuban born artists living/working(lived/worked) outside of Cuba. The list is under-represented of Cuban born artists living in Europe and Asia. We know that our list is still preliminary, we need your help to improve it.
About the links:
We have included a Wikipedia link on all those artists that have one. We have not included online gallery links (Artprice, Artnet, Ebay, Saatchi, etc.) or Social media sites...(Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.)
We have included links to major Auction House ie., Sotheby’s, Christie’s and Phillips. These auction houses have a curatorial staff that accepts or declines works.
We feel it is important to list any Museum Exhibits or works in a Museum Collection. In the art world having a work in a Museum collection or having a exhibit in a museum is an important marker in the career development of an artist. The name of the particular Museum listed in Museum Collections was left out on purpose.
The name of an artist preceded by an asterisk (*) means we were unable to find good information.
We are working on the next release of the list which will include an additional group of artists and national and international art awards.
Feel free to contact us with any updates, changes, comments, etc. We would love to hear from you.
Thank you,
The CANY staff