Captivating and enigmatic, "Paradise Building " by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 33" x 41" and is beautifully framed at 35" x 43". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500.
Captivating and enigmatic, "Paradise Building " by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 33" x 41" and is beautifully framed at 35" x 43". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500. Signature Front
Captivating and enigmatic, "Paradise Building " by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 33" x 41" and is beautifully framed at 35" x 43". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500.Detail
Captivating and enigmatic, "Paradise Building " by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 33" x 41" and is beautifully framed at 35" x 43". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500. verso
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Captivating and enigmatic, "Paradise Building " by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 33" x 41" and is beautifully framed at 35" x 43". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Captivating and enigmatic, "Paradise Building " by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 33" x 41" and is beautifully framed at 35" x 43". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500. Signature Front
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Captivating and enigmatic, "Paradise Building " by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 33" x 41" and is beautifully framed at 35" x 43". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500.Detail
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Captivating and enigmatic, "Paradise Building " by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 33" x 41" and is beautifully framed at 35" x 43". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500. verso

Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas | Paradise Building | Cuban Art for Sale

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Captivating and enigmatic, Paradise Building by Cuban artist Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas is a mesmerizing piece of Cuban art. Created in 2007, this acrylic on linen painting measures 35" x 43" and is beautifully framed at 37" x 45". With its abstract composition and vibrant colors, this artwork is sure to captivate and inspire. Don't miss the opportunity to own this stunning piece with an estimated price of $7,500.

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